Friday, January 23, 2009


The PT went pretty well! She said I have excellent movement in my back overall, and that most of the muscles are firing when they should. Woohoo! But she also said that my flexion needs work, and to tell you the truth I don't even really know what that means. :) Maybe it means flexibility? I am totally stiff in most of my muscles, from my neck to my toes. Apparently when I was hunched over that shortened my muscles, which is why I have a hard time stretching or even putting my shoes on. 

So she started me off with some baby-step exercises that are supposed to improve my muscle flexibility... I literally just lay on my back and move my knees from side to side. We are starting out REALLY slowly, but I think that's good because the last core exercises I did made things so much worse. Hopefully I will have some improvement fairly quickly, because I can't afford to have to go to physcial therapy for very long. I can't wait for the day when I am insurable again! 

On a completely different note, today marked the anniversary of Roe V. Wade... congratulations! if you're reading this, you're a survivor. 44 million haven't been as lucky as you and me. 

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