Thursday, March 19, 2009

have you ever...

... had one of those days where you run multiple red lights? (haha, you thought this was gonna be that jr. high version of the have-you-ever where you talk about what sexual stuff you've done and what you haven't huh? well, get your mind out of the gutter! what kinda blog do you think this is?!! LOL or maybe that's just me, because its the first thing that came to mind when I typed that! what a sicko)

aaaaaaanyway.... :)

I ran two red lights yesterday! You know, the kind that are yellow-turning-red before you cross the intersection. Both times I probably should have stopped... so much so that I had to do the obligatory cop scan. Thankfully, none in sight. But this is just such an odd thing; I've gone months without doing this! And yesterday, twice! Was I just in a mood? Didn't feel like stopping? Too much effort? Who knows.

In other news, my tan is coming along quite nicely. I am going to have to find a different time of day to work on the diss because afternoons are just not gonna cut it during swimming weather (which is rapidly approaching). Today I made it to the third step in the pool, and it was pretty cold... but only barely cold enough to hurt a little. A few more weeks and I'll be completely in, I guarantee it. I just can't help myself. Lucas babies are part fish, I swear. If people could really be part mermaid, we'd prolly be proof. We are all avid swimmers. Even the babies. Its a little weird. But awesome at the same time.


Abercornucopia said...

So maybe the biff is an adaptation? Your little tail might get in the way on land, but would probably be a bonus in the water.

brandy said...

HAHAHAHA. probably. because i think we all have that too!

Dominique James said...

i love that you call it your "diss" haha- we are so alike...we abrev everything! love ya.